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Myth of a Christian Nation
Dr. Boyd-
I have finished reading your book “The Myth of a Christian Nation” and I just wanted to say a sincere and heartfelt thank you for saying exactly what I have been afraid to say for a few years now. I cried as I read this book because I, like you, am saddened by the way this insatiable thirst for political power has corrupted and compromised the incredible kingdom of God. I am praying for reform within all of our church bodies that we may act to reclaim the kingdom of God and not our so-called “Christian nation”, which we never have been.
I only wish I had the money to buy and distribute your book to peoplewho need desperately to hear its message. If I could, I would.I am in the process of defining a life-long faith that includes real love and compassion for humankind as opposed to a blood thirsty, God bless America theology that leaves millions of people on the outside.
Thank you again. I hope to visit your church soon and get a chance to meet you. Thank you for speaking the truth in love.
Category: General