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Back to Faith
I read Letters From A Skeptic and God At War in the late 1990’s or early 2000. Just this month I am completing Satan And The Problem of Evil.
After years of being a bible study/small group leader and leading missions trips I quit praying in 2005, became divorced in 2006 and quit going to church. Since then, I have struggled in my life and found myself becoming more and more skeptical, bitter, frustrated, unhappy, discontent and being frustrated if not angry with the God of the OT and NT. Arrogance on my part. I confess sins of pride, envy, covetousness, judgment, deceit, self-deception.
I submit a full Thank You to Gregory Boyd and the ReKnew website for helping me get back to faith in the goodness of God and purpose of prayer. I’ve been, as they say, in the wilderness and working to find my way home. I choose faith, hope, truth and love. I am making choices – nothing miraculous {that I know of} has occurred – I just don’t like the path I’ve been on and it is a dead end. Plus, Dr. Boyd’s books make sense to me, particularly in God self-limiting his power in order to honor the gift of free-will to achieve relationship with a “bride” that freely chooses love. The problem of rampant evil in the world and how it, through my own free will choices, destroyed my own life and marriage perplexed me to no end. I don’t claim to be a victim, but co-creator of my experiences.
Thank you,