Isn’t Faith Inherently Irrational?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Apologetics, Faith, Q&A
Topics: Apologetics, Faith & Doubt
Is Faith Inherently Irrational? Many people seem to assume that faith is giving credence to things that don’t make much sense and for which there is little or no evidence. Take the doctrine of the…

Corroborating Historical Evidence of the New Testament
Category: Essays
Tags: Apologetics, Essay, New Testament
Topics: Biblical Reliability
One often finds skeptics arguing that if the events recorded in New Testament actually took place, we should expect to find others of the time mentioning them. Yet, they argue, we find nothing but silence…

Was Noah’s flood global or local?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Bible, Old Testament, Q&A
Topics: Biblical Reliability
Though many regard the biblical story of a great flood in the days of Noah to be an ancient legend, evangelical Christians affirm it as historical fact because Scripture presents it as such. However, a…

Finding an Alternative Jesus
Category: Essays
Tags: Apologetics, Essay, Jesus
Topics: Jesus: Lord or Legend
The “Newly Discovered” Jesus One of the most common, and most disturbing, refrains heard in the media’s coverage of contemporary radical views of Christ is that New Testament scholars have recently “discovered” new sources of…

The Jesus Seminar and the Reliability of the Gospels
Category: Essays
Tags: Apologetics, Essay, Gospels, Jesus, New Testament
Topics: Jesus: Lord or Legend
The Jesus Seminar The primary driving force behind the popular media’s present preoccupation with liberal views of Jesus has been the Jesus Seminar. This Seminar, first convened in 1985 by Robert Funk, is a gathering…

Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?
Category: Essays
Tags: Apologetics, Essay, Resurrection
Topics: Jesus: Lord or Legend
Trying to get around the Resurrection While Jesus’ life, claims, and miraculous ministry set him far apart from all other human beings, it is his resurrection more than anything else that stamps him as the…

Is Jesus Unique?
Category: Essays
Tags: Apologetics, Essay, Jesus
Topics: Jesus: Lord or Legend
The Search for a Non-Unique Jesus Built into the naturalistic assumption that drives the liberal New Testament search for the “man behind the myth” is the notion that, whoever Jesus was, he cannot have been…
The Jesus Legend: A Case for the Historical Reliability of the Synoptic Jesus Tradition
Category: General
Topics: Apologetics, Christology
Authors: Paul Rhodes Eddy and Gregory A. Boyd Publisher: Baker (2007) Topic: Apologetics: Are the Gospels historically reliable? (Written for an academic audience) Media: Christianity Today 2008 Book Award in the category of Biblical Studies…
Cynic Sage or Son of God?
Category: General
Topics: Apologetics, Christology
Author: Gregory A. Boyd Publisher: Victor (1995) Topic: Apologetics: How can Evangelicals respond to liberal scholars like John Dominic Crossan and Burton Mack? Media: Christianity Today 1996 Book Award Winner Buy on Amazon Description: With…
Jesus Under Siege
Category: General
Topics: Apologetics, Christology
Author: Gregory A. Boyd Publisher: Victor (1995) Topic: Apologetics: How can Evangelicals respond to the Jesus Seminar? Buy on Amazon Description: Author Gregory Boyd defends the historical veracity of the Gospels while exposing the flaws…