The Old Testament Is NOT on the Same Plane as the New Testament
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Cruciform Theology, Jesus, New Testament, Old Testament
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
Paul taught that unbelievers are blinded by “the god of this age” when they read the OT such that “their minds are made dull” and a “veil covers their hearts…when the old covenant is read”…
When the Bible Becomes an Idol
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Religious Idolatry
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
In John 5, we read about Jesus confronting some religious leaders saying, “You study the Scriptures diligently because you think that in them you have eternal life. These are the very Scriptures that testify about…
The Rorschach Test
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, God, Non-Violence, Open Theism, Rorschach Test, Truth
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
The choices we make will either increase or decrease our ability to recognize light when we see it. As we choose goodness, we increase our capacity for goodness. What do you see when you read the…

How NOT To Be Christ-Centered: A Review of God With Us – Part IV
Category: Essays
Tags: Book Reviews, Classical Theism, Cruciform Theology, Essay, God With Us
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
In the first three parts of this review of Scott Oliphint’s God with Us we’ve outline his attempt to reframe all God’s accommodations in Scripture in light of the Chalecedonian Creed. He, in essence, uses…

How NOT to be Christ-Centered: A Review of God With Us – Part III
Category: Essays
Tags: Book Reviews, Classical Theism, Cruciform Theology, Essay, God With Us
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
In the previous two posts on Oliphint’s God With Us, we’ve seen that Oliphint is trying to reframe divine accommodations in a Christ-centered way, but that what he means by this is not that he…

How NOT to be Christ-Centered: A Review of God With Us – Part II
Category: Essays
Tags: Book Reviews, Classical Theism, Cruciform Theology, Essay, God With Us
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
In Part I of my review of Scott Oliphint’s God With Us we saw that Oliphint is attempting to reframe divine accommodation in a Christ-centerd way. Yet, while he affirms that “Christ is the quintessential…

How NOT To Be Christ-Centered: A Review of God With Us – Part I
Category: Essays
Tags: Book Reviews, Classical Theism, Cruciform Theology, Essay, God With Us
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
Theologians throughout Church history have used the concept of divine accommodation to account for everything in Scripture that seemed “unworthy” of God. Whatever didn’t line up with what we know about God was seen as…

What is the right way to interpret Revelation?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Bible, End Times, New Testament, Q&A, Revelation
Topics: Biblical Interpretation, End Times
Few biblical topics have captured the imagination of contemporary evangelicals like the book of Revelation. The recent unprecedented success of the Left Behind series is evidence of this popular fascination. Many evangelicals don’t realize that…