Kingdom Revolution
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Revolution, Spiritual Warfare, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Church
To properly understand an action, you need to interpret it in the light of the social context in which it takes place. For example, if we were to hear about a white male offering his…
God’s Church is Not “Pretty”
Category: General
Tags: Authenticity, Church, Community, Honesty, Love, Truth
Topics: The Church
This week we’ve been looking at various aspects of what it means to be the church. Today, I want to address the paradox of how the church can be both beautiful and ugly at the…
The Purpose of the Church
Category: General
Tags: Church, Kingdom Living
Topics: The Church
Unlike most social groups, the relationships forged in the body of Christ are not ends in and of themselves. Rather, Christ calls us to unite with other believers for a unique purpose: to grow in,…
Dismembered: The Church and Individualism
Category: General
Tags: Body of Christ, Church, House Churches, Individualism, Western Assumptions
Topics: The Church
Those God has saved are called to be the church, not go to church. This distinction is vitally important. The church consists of all those who entered into the new covenant that Jesus inaugurated by…
The Problem with “Church”
Category: General
Tags: Church, Constantine, Politics, Power
Topics: The Church
Many people think of church as a religious building people attend once a week to sing, hear a sermon, take an offering and perhaps participate in the Lord’s Supper (or “take Communion”). Many refer to the…
Signs of Hope
Category: General
Tags: Church, Greg Boyd, Hope, Nomad, Revolution
Topics: The Church Greg taped this video for the Nomad podcast series called Signs of Hope. He discusses the hope he finds in the death of Christendom, and the rise in the beautiful new, peace-loving, non-violent, Jesus-centered, global movement.
Are the Charismatic Gifts for Today’s Church?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Gifts, The Holy Spirit
Topics: The Church
This week, we have offered a brief series on the Holy Spirit touching on what the Spirit does, how it changes us, and how the fruit of the Spirit is produced. Now we will look briefly at the gifts…

The Revolutionary Mission of the Church
Category: Q&A
Tags: Kingdom Living, Kingdom Revolution, Myth of a Christian Religion, Warfare Worldview
Topics: The Church
Last week Greg tweeted the following: YES! “[T]he mission of the church is to participate in a drama that has a cross for its climax…” K. Vanhoozer This quote from Vanhoozer summarizes a theme that…

What do you think of “confrontational evangelism”?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, Evangelism, Q&A
Topics: Following Jesus, The Church
Question: In The Myth of a Christian Nation, you emphasize our need to sacrificially serve others. But you didn’t emphasize our need to “preach the Gospel to every living creature.” I’ve been intrigued by the…

Is speaking in tongues the initial evidence of receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Q&A, The Holy Spirit
Topics: The Church
Pentecostals have traditionally taught that speaking in tongues is evidence that a person is filled with the Holy Spirit. Those who defend this position do so primarily on the basis of a pattern they discern…

Are all believers baptized in the Holy Spirit?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Baptism, Q&A, The Holy Spirit
Topics: The Church, Trinity
All Christians believe that all believers are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, but there is debate over whether all believers are baptized in the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist prophesied that while he baptized with…

Why have you consistently stressed the need for the Western Church to learn from the African Church?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Church, Diversity, Q&A
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues, The Church
Question: I’ve heard you argue that the white Western church has a lot to learn theologically from African cultures. What is it specifically that you’re referring to? Response: I do strongly believe that the western…