Doesn’t Jesus Tell Us to Judge? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Topics: Following Jesus, Relationships
Greg unpacks the meaning of John 7:24.
What Would You Consider Sexual Immorality Between Married People? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Topics: Following Jesus, Relationships
Greg talks about sex. Dan dusts off his Batman costume.
Are You Against the Police? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Topics: Relationships, The Church
Greg considers police violence, black-on-black violence, and how we should police society. Patreon supporters can watch the episode HERE.
How Do I Thank God for Things Others Don’t Have? (podcast)
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Topics: Relationships
Greg challenges prosperity preaching.

Divorce and Remarriage
Category: Q&A
Tags: Divorce, Remarriage
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues, Relationships
Question: My spouse and I are regular podrishioners of WHC. We recently viewed Pastor Greg’s “Divorce and Remarriage “ sermon and fully agree with his grace-filled conclusion. [Also check out Greg’s sermons on this topic here…
I have forgiven, but how do I trust again?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, Forgiveness, Relationships
Topics: Relationships
READER: A while back, a friend of mine seriously hurt and betrayed me. After three years of not seeing one another (her choice), she humbly repented, told me she was sorry, and asked for my forgiveness. I have forgiven her and we are starting to be friends again. But now what? How do I open my heart to her again? How do I start “testing the waters” to see if I can trust again?

Is homosexual love without homoerotic behavior okay for a Christian?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Christian Life, Q&A, Sexuality, Sin
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues, Relationships, Sin
Question: You may find this to be an odd question, but is it possible for two Christians of the same gender to remain a couple if they do not engage in sex? My partner and…

Must wives submit to husbands?
Category: Essays
Tags: Christian Life, Essay, Marriage, Relationships
Topics: Relationships
The apostle Paul writes: Wives, be subject to your husbands as you are to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife just as Christ is the head of the church, the…