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Lighten Up: The Whole Point

A little inspiration for your Friday…

Related Reading

The Cruciform Center Part 4: How Revelation Reveals a Cruciform God

I’ve been arguing that, while everything Jesus did and taught revealed God, the character of the God he reveals is most perfectly expressed by his loving sacrifice on the cross.  Our theology and our reading of Scripture should therefore not merely be “Christocentric”: it should be “crucicentric.” My claim, which I will attempt to demonstrate…

Lighten Up: Tough Jesus

Lighten Up: Theological Love

Um, yeah. Let’s do better than this, shall we?

Blessing the Soldiers of ISIS

In light of the overwhelming response to Greg’s post about loving the soldiers of ISIS, we thought we would explore Jesus’ teaching on this topic further. The following is an excerpt from Myth of a Christian Religion. The perspective below stands in contrast to the perspectives exhibited by many Christians, one being the recent article…

Lighten Up: Um…

Don’t hurt the people.

Sermon: Blood and Water

In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd talks about how question in baptism and communion have cause division in the church throughout history.  In the rest of the sermon he discusses why baptism and Communion are important sacraments to the Christian community. Greg also shows us how the Anabaptists understood these sacraments and how Woodland Hills…