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Lighten Up: Multiple Choice

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The “Heresy” of Failing to Love

In what is hands-down the most amazing prayer ever recorded, Jesus prayed to his Father that his disciples “may be one…just as you are in me and I am in you” so that “the world may believe that you sent me” (Jn.17:21). In other words, Jesus was praying that we who profess Christ as Lord…


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If you want to find out more about our good friends the Livesay family and their ministry in Haiti, you can find them here. Glory to God in the highest. Amen.

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Image Sourced via Stuff Christians Like.

The Distinctive Mark of Jesus Followers

Jesus’ teaching to love our enemies was understandably shocking to his original audience—just as it is to us today. Jesus expected much, which is why, after telling his audience to love their enemies he added that if we only love those who love us and do good those who do good to us, we’re doing…