Month: December 2007

Is Jesus Unique?

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The Search for a Non-Unique Jesus Built into the naturalistic assumption that drives the liberal New Testament search for the “man behind the myth” is the notion that, whoever Jesus was, he cannot have been…

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Six Theses of the Warfare Worldview

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The trinitarian warfare worldview seeks to reconcile our experience of radical evil with the conviction that reality is created and sustained by an all-loving, all-powerful God. Six principles form the foundation for this view. These…

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The Stillborn God


Hello virtual friends of the wonderful internet reality, Hope you all had a great Christmas. Mine was exhaustingly delightful. It’s a bit ironic, but on Christmas Eve I starting reading a book entitled The Stillborn…

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Merry Christmas!


I and my Christus Victor Teamwant to wish all of youwho occasion this blogand support this ministrya veryMerry Christmas. Be blessedGreg

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What are the main principles of the warfare worldview?

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In my book God At War (IVP, 1997) I flesh out what I call the “warfare worldview” of the Bible. This is the view that the world is a battle ground between God and good…

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Why have you consistently stressed the need for the Western Church to learn from the African Church?

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Question: I’ve heard you argue that the white Western church has a lot to learn theologically from African cultures. What is it specifically that you’re referring to? Response: I do strongly believe that the western…

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In your Anabaptist view, should Christians get involved in politics at all? Do you think they should even vote?

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Ultimately, each person must follow their conscience when it comes to whether or not they vote, how they vote if they decide to vote, and the extent to which they should involve themselves in the…

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Getting Free From the Sin of Sodom: Living With Outrageous Generosity

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Greed is a bottomless pit which exhausts the person in an endless effort to satisfy the need without ever reaching satisfaction. Erich Fromm Jesus, the poor and the greedy Though it’s often missed by American…

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What do you think of the classical view that God is impassible?

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The classical view has historically held that God is impassible, meaning he is above pathos (passion or emotions). The main reason the church came to this view was that, following the Hellenistic philosophical tradition, they…

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Do you believe God is pure actuality?

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The basis of the classical view of God as pure actuality (actus purus) is the Aristotelian notion that potentiality is always potential for change and that something changes only because is lacks something else. So,…

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What do you think of Thomas Aquinas’ view of God?

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Question: You have written (in Trinity and Process) that the relational God of the Bible is the antithesis of the immutable God of Thomas Aquinas. Could you explain this? Answer: Aquinas and much of the…

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What is omni-resourcefulness?

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Question: What do you mean when you refer to God’s omni-resourcefulness? Can you support this with Scripture? Answer: I and others use the term omni-resourcefulness to highlight a feature of God in Scripture that the…

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Is Free Will compatible with Predestination?

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Question: Isn’t “freedom” simply our ability to do what we want? And if this is so there seems to be no incompatibility between saying that a person is “free” on the one hand, but predestined…

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Did God use Satan to test Job?

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Question: In Job 1:21 and 2:10, Job seems to accept “adversity” from God while continuing to trust him. Job blames his troubles on God (i.e. “He shattered me” [16:12], “He breaks me down on every…

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The Kansas City Star – 11/30/06


The KansasCity Star ran an article called “Evangelicals Take Political Uneasiness Public” (16 kb pdf) which mentions Greg and his book

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How can we determine what is and is not “open” about the future?

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Question: You believe that the future is partly open. You’re writing has pretty much convinced me this is true, but I’ve still got some serious questions about it. For example, how does anyone determine what…

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Why did Jesus say “buy a sword”?


Hope you’re all enjoying the Christmas season. Here’s a question I’ve gotten a dozen times in the last several weeks: If Jesus is opposed to violence, why did he tell his disciples to buy swords…

Read Post Book Review – 10/26/06


A book review of The Myth of a Christian Nation was published on 

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Star Tribune – 10/23/06


The Minneapolis-St. Paul Star Tribune ran “Wallis vs. Boyd: A Friendly Evangelical Smackdown,” (50 kb pdf) an article about the recent event at Bethel with Greg and author Jim Wallis .

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In a democracy, don’t Christians have a responsibility to participate in politics?

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Question: You’ve argued that Christians shouldn’t try to gain power in government on the grounds that Jesus didn’t try to gain power in the political system of his day. But his government didn’t allow for…

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