Month: January 2008

What is the significance of Acts 21:10–12?

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While Paul and Luke were making preparations to go and preach in Jerusalem, “a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea.” The prophet approached Paul, took his belt, and announced, “Thus says the Holy Spirit,…

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What is the significance of Acts 27:10-44?

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This is the passage deal with Paul’s ill-fated voyage to Italy as a prisoner. The ship ran into very bad weather and Paul announced, “Men, I can see that our voyage is going to be…

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What is the significance of 2 Peter 3:9–12?

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Peter says that the Lord has delayed his coming because “he is patient with you, not wanting any to perish” (vs. 9). We are encouraged to be “looking for and hastening the coming of the…

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What is the significance of Revelation 3:5?

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“If you conquer, you will be clothed like them in white robes, and I will not blot your name out of the book of life…” If God is only the God of certainties, it is…

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What is the significance of Revelation 22:18?

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“If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away that person’s share in the tree of life and in the holy city…” For God to “take away”…

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The Subversion of Christianity


Welcome open minded internet thinkers. Thanks again for all your prayers. I’m feeling much better. I’m still a bit sick, but I managed to travel to Columbia, Missouri, this weekend to preach/teach at a friend’s…

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New Testament Support for the Warfare Worldview

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Warfare in Jesus’ Ministry The theme of God striving to establish his sovereign will (his Kingdom) on earth over and against forces that oppose him is prevalent in the New Testament. In keeping with the…

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What is Open Theism?

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Open Theism is the view that God chose to create a world that included free agents, and thus a world where possibilities are real. The future is pre-settled, to whatever degree God wants to pre-settle…

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Naturalism and the Historical Jesus

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The quest for a “merely human” Jesus The various radical views of Jesus now being advocated by certain scholars and propagated through the press are buttressed by a number of different historical arguments. Some argue,…

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Is homosexuality a sin?

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There are three passages in the Old Testament (Gen. 19: 1-13; Lev 18:22; 20:13) and three in the New Testament (Rom. 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; I Tim. 1:10) that have traditionally been read as prohibiting…

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Does the Bible forbid interracial marriages?

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Absolutely not! Racist Christians used to argue against interracial marriage by quoting Old Testament passages that prohibited Jews from marrying non-Jews. This prohibition had nothing to do with race, however. In fact, there was no…

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Is the Bible against body piercing and tattoos?

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Some Christians argue against body piercing and tattoos on the basis of a couple of Old Testament verses that prohibit them (Lev. 19:28). Several years back an aggravated lady tried to get me to preach…

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Is it true you’re an “Open Theist” and that you don’t think God knows the future perfectly?

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I am an “Open Theist” – though I honestly don’t care for the label, because as I’ll show, the uniqueness of this view isn’t in what it says about God but in what it says…

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A Call to Christian Anarchy


I’m ALIVE!!! Not 100% for sure, but compared to Wednesday, I’m the epitome of health. Thanks for your prayers. Well, obviously the last five days haven’t been the most productive in my life. But when…

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Isn’t Open Theism outside of historic orthodoxy?

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The Church has never used one’s view of divine foreknowledge as a test for orthodoxy. And while the open view has always been a very minor perspective, it has had its defenders throughout Church history…

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What is the right way to interpret Revelation?

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Few biblical topics have captured the imagination of contemporary evangelicals like the book of Revelation. The recent unprecedented success of the Left Behind series is evidence of this popular fascination. Many evangelicals don’t realize that…

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Why the 35W Bridge Collapsed – blog post 8/09/2007

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As all of you know, I’m sure, a little over a week ago the 35W bridge in Minneapolis collapsed. This is the most traveled bridge in Minnesota. It was a tragedy, though the fact that…

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Washing Osama’s Feet – blog post 8/28/07


(This post was written by Greg on Sunday, October 28, 2007. It was such a controversial entry that he had to write a follow-up post which you can read here) Brad Cole is a friend…

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Isn’t it true that God doesn’t know the future in the open view?

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This is the single most common misconception people have about the open view. Open Theists and Classical Theists disagree about the nature of the future, not about how much God knows about it. Both sides…

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Why do you argue that discipleship and politics are rooted in opposite attitudes?

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Question. At a recent conference I heard you argue against the idea that there could ever be a distinctly “Christian” political position by contending that political disputes are premised on a claim to superiority while…

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