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Repenting of Religion Endorsements


“Anything but another run-of-the-mill evangelical book, it is radical and revolutionary. It will make readers think critically about some traditional evangelical habits of the heart.”
–Roger Olson, George W. Truett Theological Seminary

“The local church is called to be God’s community of redemption rather than the exclusive clique of rejection it has often become. This is a prophetic call to repentance.”
–Gilbert Bilezikian, author of Christianity 101

“Mere Christianity is religionless, Boyd rightly says. It is about dancing with the triune God. And, since it’s all about mercy, let’s love one another and stop judging.”
–Clark Pinnock, author of Most Moved Mover


Related Reading

Why Can’t God Stop Evil? The Thomas J. Oord Interview (podcast)

Greg and Thomas talk about Open Theism and how Greg’s views differ from Thomas’s. Theology nerds, get your compass and your flashlight and prepare to go DEEEEEP in the weeds!  Thomas’s book: God Can’t Episode 487 http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0487.mp3

Part 13 (of 15)— Taking Responsibility (Part A)

Assessing Jordan Peterson’s 12 Rules for Life by Greg Boyd “If you’re not the leading man in your own drama, you’re a bit player in someone else’s.” Jordan Peterson If I had to sum up the essence of Peterson’s philosophy in a single sentence, it would be: “Take responsibility for your own life.” In this…

Podcast: What Are You Reading Now?

Greg discusses what he is reading now that Crucifixion of the Warrior God and CrossVision are completed (Links Below). http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0251.mp3 Books: The Training of KX12 and The Physics of Theism

The Cosmic Dance Project

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Part 17 (of 20)- Jordan Peterson on God

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