Month: July 2012

Our Commitment to Love (and Avoiding Theological Idolatry)

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Given that we have just launched ReKnew, I thought it would be helpful to spend a good portion of our initial blogs unpacking the theological vision of ReKnew. Our goal is to post content to the site at least three or four times a week, with two of these posts (on average) being fresh content from me addressing particular theological topics. The other posts will be things such as videos, quotes of the day, featured articles from elsewhere on the web questions from readers, and so on.

Before I begin unpacking ReKnew’s theological vision in subsequent posts, however, today I want to offer four preliminary words about the theological convictions I’ll be espousing.

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Everybody’s Got A Hungry Heart [Sermon, 7/1/12]

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Check out Greg’s latest sermon!

Description from WHC website:

Paul wrote the Colossians to confront a false religion of invoking angels. These invocations were being done because people thought Jesus wasn’t enough. This same type of thought pervades our own society, where people with hungry hearts are searching for more than what Jesus offers. In this sermon, Greg talks about the fullness that Jesus brings.

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The myth clouds our vision of God’s distinctly beautiful kingdom… [Quotes]

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“Instead of living out the radically countercultural mandate of the kingdom of God, this myth has inclined us to Christianize many pagan aspects of our culture. Instead of providing the culture with a radically alternative way of life, we largely present it with a religious version of what it already is. The myth clouds our vision of God’s distinctly beautiful kingdom and thereby undermines our motivation to live as set-apart (holy) disciples of this kingdom.”

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A Natural Disaster With No One to Blame

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In a recent article from Relevant Magazine, Michael Hidalgo asks, “why are the leaders who claim that God acts through natural disasters so quiet all of a sudden?”

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Thank you!


I’d like to again welcome all of you to the new ReKnew website. In the weeks to come, I’ll unpack the theological vision of ReKnew. But I want to use today’s blog to express my profound appreciation to the people who have come around me to bring this exciting new ministry into being.

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Greg Boyd: Relationship vs Religion [Video]


In his April 29, 2012 sermon, Greg explains that what Jesus invites us into is much more than just another world religion.

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“For many…the American flag has smothered the glory of the cross, and the ugliness of our American version of Caesar has squelched the radiant love of Christ.” [Quotes]

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“This myth harms the church’s primary mission. For many in America and around the world, the American flag has smothered the glory of the cross, and the ugliness of our American version of Caesar has squelched…

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Isn’t it contradictory to say Jesus is “fully God” and “fully human”?

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READER: God is, by definition, eternal, having neither beginning nor end. Human beings are, by definition, finite, beginning at a certain point in time. How, then, can Jesus be both God (eternal) and human (finite)?…

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