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Why Racial Reconciliation Matters

Rachel Held Evans invited Grace Biskie to reflect on racial reconciliation on her blog this week. Grace’s perspective is an important one to hear. Check out Church Stories: A Plea to Engage in Racial Reconciliation.

From the article:

The problem with disengaging is that it’s not what God intended for us. I believe God expressly asks us to love people who are different than us. He especially desires for us to love those who would be considered our enemies. Take a look at Revelation 21; we know how this ends: We live in that not-yet-but-all-ready-here Kingdom, where God will bring together every tribe, every tongue and every nation, all of us speaking our own language, wearing our own cultural garb, eating our good cultural food. I’m talking about the day when Jesus’ redemption brings total shalom to all peoples, complete peace between all people and God, all people to all people. In this partay of ALL partay’s, the Hutu’s and Tutsi’s will have a glorious celebration together. That final picture includes African-Americans and white Americans together…with no funky attitude problems.

Image by Vinoth Chandar. Used in accordance with Creative Commons. Sourced via Flickr


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