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film company

Kingdom Sighting: Neighborhood Film Company

A reader (Thanks Rebecca!) sent us some information on the Neighborhood Film Company. Visit their website to see what they’re up to, and we think it will bless you. Here’s a little bit of information about their work:

Neighborhood Film Company (NFCo) is a creative production company that mentors and employs adults in recovery to reverse cycles of poverty. By partnering with Project H.O.M.E. (PH) and Working Film Establishment (WF) – NFCo. equips residents recovering from homelessness and addiction with the necessary skills to effectively work on mainstream commercials, web adverts, promos, music videos, and short/long form narratives. From Pre-Production through Post-Production, PH Residents work hand-in-hand with Industry Professionals, thus assuring that quality is never sacrificed and creativity and growth are constantly cultivated. Ultimately, NFCo’s goal is to create competitive visual stories while transforming individuals from a life of marginalization to a life of dreaming, creating, and thriving.

Image sourced from neighborhoodfilmcompany.com.


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Blessings and God’s peace to all of you from all of us at ReKnew.

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