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Thou Shalt Not Fear Science-Part II

Yesterday I called your attention to Bev Mitchell’s essay in which he integrated science and theology as he reflected on power and love. This is part II of his essay and it’s on the limiting conditions of creation. It’s a fascinating speculative reflection on why God’s creation is the way it is and what our role is in it. What I appreciate most about Mitchell’s reflections is that, at a time when most theologians and Christian scientists are hesitant to talk about Satan, let alone ascribe to him anything like the authority the New Testament and early church ascribed to him, Bev gets that we cannot reconcile nature as we now find it with the character of God revealed in Christ unless we accept that spiritual warfare is woven into the very fabric of the cosmos.

In this essay you’ll see a working out of C.S.Lewis bold statement: “At every moment, every inch of the cosmos is claimed by Satan and counter-claimed by God.” (my paraphrase).



Image by carulmare. Used in accordance with Creative Commons. Sourced via Flickr.

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