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homosexuality, truth telling, and love

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A couple weeks ago, we posted a portion of Greg’s sermon (and his comments) on the marriage amendment in Minnesota, homosexuality and finding a “Third Way”.

Today we’re continuing the conversation by linking to a blog post by Sarah Bessey called In which I tell you the truth about telling the truth.

Here are some of her words (emphasis is Sarah’s):

As more of us are becoming vocal about calling the Church to love our gay brothers and sisters, I’ve noticed that the first response we typically receive is: “Well, the most loving thing I can do is tell them the truth about their sin.”

Oh, really.

I’m pretty sure not a single homosexual in the Western world is unaware that most evangelical Christians believe their desires and/or lifestyle to be sinful.

That sentence? It is one-dimensional bumper sticker lower-case truth. It’s not the whole Truth, is it? And it isn’t tough love as I understand it.

I believe that statement is almost always a cop-out. After all, my Bible talks more about the sins of not caring for the poor and orphans of our communities, about our pride, about idolatry, than it does about homosexuality, yet I can’t see a lot of to-scale  ”truth-telling” on those topics. And, then we call it “tough love”, this truth-telling, as if that phrase, excuses our lack of grace. It’s a too-small band-aid on a complex issue representing real people with real stories and real lives with political and daily life implications we can’t even guess from our gated communities.

Please click on the link above to read her whole post.

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