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Let Us Pray

First Advent and first candle is lit

Per Ola Wiberg via Compfight

It’s appropriate to pray and reflect and run to God when tragedies like the one in Newtown, CT take place. We wanted to share a couple of things we found helpful around the blogosphere as we struggle through our sadness.

T.C. Moore shared some thoughts on Darkness, Advent, and Newtown CT on his blog. Really helpful perspective.

From the article:

Advent isn’t a pill we take to quickly forget the darkness, or ignore the darkness. No, Advent grants us the space to dwell in-between tragedy and deliverance. It gives us time to reflect, feel the weight of the pervasive darkness in this world, and hope for a Savior to come into the world and rescue us. It is a reminder that though the Savior has come, and Jesus is that Savior, we still live in-between his Advent into the world and his Return to shine his light on darkness—destroying it forever.

Until then, we pray, we grieve, we remember, and we hope.

And here are some prayers from David Smith to help us to focus our hearts towards healing and compassion.

Let us pray.

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