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Eustace the Dragon at Woodland Hills Tonight!

Sorry about the last minute notice, but if you’re in the Twin Cities you should join us tonight for a coffee house concert with Eustace the Dragon at Woodland Hills. They’re playing from 7-9. Coffee and light refreshments will be served. You won’t want to miss this! Check them out on their SoundCloud page if you haven’t already heard them.

Related Reading

Sermon Clip: Dear Abby

In this short sermon clip, Greg Boyd discusses Matthew 7. The infamous “plank in your own eye vs a speck of dust in your neighbors. He clarifies what this verse means when you have a close friend with an issue that you are helping them with. In the full sermon of Heart Smart our team…

Eustace the Dragon at Groundswell Tomorrow

Our friends Eustace the Dragon have been really busy lately developing new material. If you’re in the Twin Cities and want to hear them they’ll be playing as a part of Groundswell Coffee’s Cheer and Beer event. There’s a $5 cover, but don’t let that stop you. It’s going to be a blast. And if you…

Something Else is Going On

The violent portraits of God in the Old Testament are a stumbling block for many. In this short clip, Greg introduces the idea that “something else is going on” in these passages, and that we can begin to see this something else when we put our complete trust in the character of God as fully revealed in…


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Sermon: Blood and Water

In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd talks about how question in baptism and communion have cause division in the church throughout history.  In the rest of the sermon he discusses why baptism and Communion are important sacraments to the Christian community. Greg also shows us how the Anabaptists understood these sacraments and how Woodland Hills…

Sermons: Hanging in the Balance

  Prayer is a fancy word for talking to God. In this short sermon clip. Greg Boyd introduces what prayer is designed for and what it can be used for. The Bible shows us that our prayers make a difference in this world. Yet, our picture of God doesn’t always line up with that truth.…