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Boy, Is Our Face Red

photoWe know. You’re wondering why we told you the posters were here a month ago and you still haven’t gotten yours. We don’t blame you for wondering about that. In fact, we’re pretty frustrated (and more than a little embarrassed) ourselves.

We’d like to say that we’re really sorry it’s taken sooooooooooo long. When we posted the update last month the posters were finished at the printers and we expected them to be sent out a few days later. Unfortunately, the printer’s wife had a medical crisis that involved several surgeries and he was unable to send them to us until a few days ago. We’re working feverishly to get them individually packed and sent out this weekend. We hope they’re worth the wait.

Please accept our heartfelt apology.


For now, these posters are only available as a gift to those who are supporting the ministry in the amount of $25/month or more. If you’d like to support us in this way and receive a poster (soon) you can click here.

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Thank you!

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