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Manifesto Poster

Rob-holding-manifesto-poster-squareIf you’re a fan of ReKnew, I hope you’ve had the chance to take a look at the ReKnew Manifesto. It’s a 9-point treatise summing up all the big, radical ideas that Greg has been advocating for years, and for which we fellow Jesus-followers stand.

Today we are thrilled to announce a fresh, inspiring rendition that we call the ReKnew Manifesto Poster. Beautifully letterpress printed by hand on extremely high quality paper, this ideas-as-art captures the essence of ReKnew in a 18″x24″ format. This has been a long time coming, and I know many of you have been waiting for this to arrive. Well, they’re finally here!

We invite you to order your own Manifesto Poster with a donation of $25/month to ReKnew. It’s our special thanks to our fans and supporters. We’re excited to see all the ways this poster inspires you!

Check out the photos below of the printing process. And thank you again for the ways that you encourage and support us!

You can become a monthly supporter or contribute a one-time gift here.

Viva la Revolution!

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Thank you!

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Happy Birthday to Us

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