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open viewAs I’m sure many of you know, the understanding of the Christian faith and the model of the Christian church is in the process of being transformed. All around the globe, and in a multitude of different ways, we are seeing new wine being poured out and old wine skins bursting apart. Many of us believe that part of this transformation involves Jesus followers finally throwing off the old Hellenistic-influenced model of reality as a static, unchanging, eternally settled thing and embracing a more biblical, dynamic and open model of reality. It’s our conviction that the open view of the future is a central component of this new model.

It’s with this in mind that I’d like to invite all of you to attend the upcoming conference called Open2013, Thursday through Saturday, April 4th-6th, at Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, MN. (For more info, go HERE). I will deliver the opening address on Thursday night, and John Sanders and Tom Oord, two renowned leaders of Open Theology, will give keynote addresses on Friday and Saturday.

This conference is going to be a unique, informative, motivational and exciting time! While there have been plenty of academic discussions of Open Theism over the last fifteen years, this conference will be have a more practical orientation and will focus on the significance of Open Theism for the future of the church. And while most conferences consist almost entirely of lectures, this conference will involve a great deal of group participation. Leaders within the openness movement are genuinely interested in getting feedback from attendees on what they are sensing, seeing and thinking about where the church is going and how this relates to the open view of the future.

So I encourage you to come let your voice be heard! Be part of what God is doing as we move into an open future that is full of exciting, new possibilities!

Related Reading

What is the significance of Exodus 32:14?

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