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Last Minute Preparations

OPEN_2013_Header1We’re all busy here at ReKnew making last minute preparations for the Open2013 conference here in St. Paul, MN. It’s our first ever event of this kind and there’s a nervous energy and anticipation. I wonder if you’ll hold this up in prayer if you weren’t able to join us? We have a last minute speaker that we’ve added to the agenda. Jessica Kelley, mother of precious Henry, will be presenting tomorrow morning. It would be lovely if you could especially pray for her, as she’ll be sharing some very personal things from her experience of losing her little boy and the journey she’s been on.

This conference is going to be very different from other Open Theism gatherings in the past. It’s going to involve a lot of collaboration and dreaming and asking good questions of one another. We hope it will result in some energy and direction for the body of Christ. We hope it will bring the Kingdom of God a little closer to this earth. We wish every one of you could have made the trip to be here with us, but you can still participate in a few ways.

  1. You can follow the hashtag #Open_2013 to participate in the conversations we’ll be having.
  2. You can talk with the people in your life about the beautiful God we find in Jesus, and the dignity he has bestowed on us as partners in bringing his Kingdom to our world.
  3. You can pray for us.


Blessings to you all from the Greg and the ReKnew team.

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