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Lighten Up: If This Guy Can Laugh…

Lighten Up: If This Guy Can Laugh…

There’s some pretty raw language in this video and it’s longer than what we normally post, but we thought it was worth it. So inspiring.

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This story is from our own backyard here in the Twin Cities. Alana Kish and her young daughter Annie (who calls herself a “kindness fairy”) have made it their mission to spread kindness wherever they go. They brighten sidewalks with inspirational chalk graffiti dictated by Annie and hand out stickers. It’s a good reminder that…

Lighten Up: Worst Evangelism Idea EVER

This is profoundly confusing. Has this ever inspired anyone to become a Jesus-follower? We’re thinking no. Especially if it was left in place of a tip at a restaurant.

Lighten Up: Bruxy Bloopers

https://youtu.be/pwV4WTR0nWw We love it when preachers have a well-developed sense of their own silliness.

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If you don’t think the world is filled with injustice, it might be because you’re at the top of the food chain.