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Difference Makers

Books about following Jesus often give the impression that “real” followers of Jesus are those who make radical sacrifices and do extraordinary things to impact their world. Difference Makers is a gift to the rest of us — us “ordinary” Jesus followers whose plate is full as we try to hold onto our 9 to 5 jobs, raise our kids, pay the bills, and make our marriages work.  In this insightful and immensely practical work, my good friend Scott Borne helps ordinary Christians become difference makers by showing us how to find God and join what he is doing in even the most apparently mundane aspects of our lives — e.g. in the way we change our baby’s diapers, mow the lawn, greet our neighbors, and conduct ourselves at our jobs.

What I especially love about Difference Makers is that Scott doesn’t just give us information; he goes further and provides a wealth of simple exercises and insightful practical tips to help us partner with God to transform ordinary moments into extraordinary opportunities to make a difference in our world. I don’t know any other book that is as helpful as Difference Makers in helping everyday people notice God and join what he is doing in the boring details of our ordinary lives.

If you’re one of those heroic Christians who have sold all your possessions to live in solidarity with the poor, this probably isn’t the book for you.  If you’re like the rest of us, however, and if you want your life to count, this is a book you really ought to read!

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