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Summer Q&A!

Q&AGreg Boyd and Paul Eddy recently hosted a Summer Q&A for all three services at Woodland Hills Church. If you’ve ever wanted to sit and listen to these guys talk about a wide range of topics off the top of their heads, this is your chance! Good stuff folks!

Our friend Jesse Ward was kind enough to list some of the questions on Facebook so we thought we’d borrow that list from him. (This list is NOT complete, but it does give you an idea of some of the topics they covered.)

In regards to Spiritual warfare, why does God allow Satan and the powers to reign on Earth? Why doesn’t he put a stop to their reign now?

How do you know God is real versus something created by people who are afraid of dying?

When did dinosaurs roam this planet and how old is the Earth?

What is the condition of the dead, and the intermediate state, between death and resurrection? Are they conscious or asleep, and are they already separated into good and evil?

Parenting seems to constantly involve judging the good and bad in our kids. How do we do this in a loving way?

What is the Biblical stance regarding mind-altering drugs? How does this apply to the use of legal prescription drugs versus illegal drugs?

Is it wrong to listen to music such as rock and roll music which seems to have great beats and guitar runs, but at times glorifies womanizing, drugs, and alcohol?

Is sexual sin the same as any other sin?

You can find the audio or video files here.

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