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We’re excited about an upcoming video series by Peaceworks, a new youth movement for peace. It will inspire you and give you the tools you need to make a difference in your life and the world. Watch the trailer to find out who the speakers will be (spoiler alert: one of them is Greg) or visit the Peaceworks website. 

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Related Reading

The Myth of Redemptive Violence

Check out Shane Claiborne’s excellent piece on the problem of violence posted yesterday on Huffington Post. Money quote: “Christian theologians have said Jesus teaches a ‘third way’ to interact with evil. We see a Jesus who abhors both passivity and violence and teaches us a new way forward that is neither submission nor assault, neither…

Friday Lights: Glimpse of the Kingdom

We interrupt the constant stream of violence and brokenness to bring you this glimpse of the Kingdom of God. Image via broken pencils are pointless

Are You Guilty of Marcionism?

Greg responds to the question of whether or not his cruciform hermeneutic is anything like the heresy of Marcion, who basically advocated throwing out the Old Testament. (Spoiler: it’s not.)

Podcast: What About Guns?

Greg shoots straight in this controversial episode on guns. He also tells the tale of the time he shot the German Luger. Also, Dan corrupts the youth (as per typical). http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0219.mp3 Image from www.quotecatalog.com

The Violent Vineyard Owner: A Response to Paul Copan (#8)

In my previous post I addressed two of the three parables that Paul Copan argues present God in violent ways. Today I will address the third, which is the parable of a vineyard owner with hostile tenants (Matthew 21:33-41; Luke 20:9-13). This parable differs from the previous two parables. Whereas the previous parables deal with…

Greg’s Response to Driscoll’s “Is God a Pacifist” Part III

This is the last of a three-part response to Mark Driscoll’s post, “Is God a Pacifist?” We’ve seen that, to prove that Jesus was not “a pansy or a pacifist” (meaning that Jesus was okay with justified killing), Mark Driscoll skips over what Jesus actually taught and modeled in the Gospels and instead appeals to…