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Rest is Good

I'm alone | Explored

 Vinoth Chandar via Compfight

It’s important (and also a valuable spiritual discipline) to regularly stop and rest from all your work. Even God rested after he created us. In light of this (and because most of the ReKnew staff is on vacation) we’re taking a short blogging sabbatical. This will be the last post until Monday, July 15th.

We hope that you’re all having a lovely summer, and that you’ll find some time to rest and play. Bless you all.

The ReKnew Team


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ram reddy via Compfight Jonathan Martin wrote this piece entitled Feeling at home in my smallness a couple of weeks ago. If you’ve been feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders and it’s up to you to do something amazing or if you’ve been taking yourself a little too seriously, you…

A Restless Heart

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