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From the Heart: Transformation

We absolutely love getting letters of testimony. If you have been impacted by this ministry in a significant way, please consider sharing your story with us. Here’s one we received this week that rocked our world.

Hi Greg Boyd,

With great joy and inspiration I am writing about a get-real encounter with God I had 3 years ago. Late one evening in bed I was wrestling with many ugly portraits of God. These portraits of God made me angry and frustrated with my Christian walk. I expressed anger and resentment toward a God who seemed so indifferent in who he was in my life. I began to pray and I pleaded with God in desperation to reveal his true self to me. I was very forceful and angrily demanding a response. As I fell to sleep I wondered if God had heard my prayer. The next morning God answered my prayer by popping up on my computer the name of Greg Boyd. For the past 3 years my wife and family have been watching your podcasts, reading your books and attending church at Woodland Hills. To our blessing we live only an hour and ten minutes from the church.

My family and I now experience God’s real love and it has transformed us and how we respond to other people. Even though I have been a follower of Christ for 42 years, I feel like the light bulb has just been turned on. My passion and desire for God is fresh and exciting. As a result, my wife and children have followed and been transformed. I sincerely thank you for being the vehicle God used in our transformation. Yes, Greg Boyd your ministry is making a difference in peoples’ lives with the evidence being my family.

Your Brother in Christ,


P.S.  My favorite book you have written is Repenting of Religion. I have read it twice!

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