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Lighten Up: He Forgives You…

Jesus FacepalmWe don’t really think Jesus does this, but it sure would be understandable sometimes. Right?

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Why Did God Require Animal Sacrifice in the Old Testament?

Question: I have a question about the atonement. Why did YHWH in the OT demand that people sacrifice animals? And if these sacrifices anticipated the ultimate sacrifice of the Messiah, as the author of Hebrews says, doesn’t this imply that Jesus’ death was necessary for God to forgive us? But why would God need his…

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Finally, a toy that will help kids learn about the true character of God and the type of assault weapon he favors. *sarcasm* (Thanks to Robert Martin and Benjamin L. Corey for the heads up.)

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The Full Meaning of Salvation

Many view salvation as a legal transaction, which means that it’s a mere acquittal from the consequences of sin. While forgiveness of our sin is certainly involved, the NT view of salvation goes far beyond this when it proclaims that Jesus came to save his people from their sins (Mt. 1:23)—not merely the consequences of those sins. In fact,…

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Lighten Up: Taking Love for Granted

No worries.