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What Does God Look Like?

I Wanted II Slap You But the Gods Said Chiiilll

Thomas Hawk via Compfight

Our good friend Jessica Kelley wrote this blog featuring sermons from Mark Moore about what God is really like. It’s a timely piece since Jessica is going to be preaching at Woodland Hills Church this weekend, and Mark Moore is attending the upcoming ReKnew conference and will be hosting a get-together with Greg afterward for kingdom leaders in the rising revolution. These are exciting times folks! God is stirring something up and we want nothing more than to be in the thick of it!

From Jessica’s piece:

I recently listened to three messages by Mark Moore, pastor of Providence Community Church in Plano, Texas.  Pastor Mark was a former leader and church planter with ACTS 29 Network.  However, in recent years, Mark has experienced a profound theological shift, and his recent sermon series (linked below) outlines his renewed picture of God.

I’ve developed a great admiration for this humble man’s tenacity, and by the time I finished these three sermons I was practically dancing.  These teachings are comprised of gentle courage wrapped in cross-centered conviction, infused with intellectual integrity and delivered through powerful preaching.

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