Search Results: leaders revolution
7 Ways to Join the Kingdom Revolution
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Kingdom Revolution
Topics: Following Jesus
In the previous post, I introduced in short form the call to participate in the kingdom revolution that Jesus began. What does this mean for us today? Let me offer seven ways we are called to the Jesus revolution: When Jesus set aside the riches of his divine prerogatives and…

Leaders in the Revolution: An Invitation
Category: General
Tags: Church, Connecting, Fellowship, Greg Boyd, Kingdom Revolution, Leaders, Mark Moore, Viva la Revolution!
…worship service at WHC. Following the service, at 6:30 pm, there will be a coffee and dessert gathering for all pastors, church planters, worship leaders, and other ministry leaders who are interested in meeting other leaders who share a desire for friendship and to network with others in ministry. During…
A Response to Tony Campolo on Taxes
Category: Essays
Tags: Essay, Politics, Tony Campolo
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
…leaders and the crowd: “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?” They answered “Caesar’s,” to which Jesus replied, ““Give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s” (Mt 22:20-21). Now, if you interpret Jesus literally, you’d have to conclude that Jesus was telling these leaders and…
Listening Again to MLK
Category: General
Tags: Martin Luther King, Racism
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
…hard, brutal facts of the case. On the basis of these conditions, Negro leaders sought to negotiate with the city fathers. But the latter consistently refused to engage in good faith negotiation. Then, last September, came the opportunity to talk with leaders of Birmingham’s economic community. In the course of…

Close Encounters of the Third (Kingdom) Kind: A Reflection on the Missio Alliance Conference
Category: General
Tags: Anabaptists, Fellowship, Jesus, Kingdom, Mennonerds, Missio Alliance, Viva la Revolution!
…opening address that I was honored to give, I talked about my awakening to the kingdom movement that is rising up around the world today. Along with many others, I believe we are on the cusp of a theological and ecclesial revolution that is going to fundamentally change the face…
Must I Become Less?
Category: General, Guest Contributor
…opportunity to participate in a special and profound revolution that God had orchestrated around him, and now his role in that revolution had come to completion. Jesus changed everything. A new epoch shook the foundations of John’s world. Jesus jolted the fabric of reality in ways John could barely dream…
The “Rising Revolution” Conference
Category: General
Tags: Upcoming Conference
…any of this describes you, then I strongly encourage you to attend the “Rising Revolution” Conference this summer (July 29-31) in Budapest, Hungary. It is hosted by Christian Associates (CA), which is an “outside-the-box” thinking organization specializing in helping people partner with God to spread the kingdom in whatever social…

Happy Birthday to Us
Category: General
Tags: Celebration, Missions, ReKnew, Revolution, support, Thank You
…that (mistakenly) thought it was supposed to conquer the world for Christ. And, finally, ReKnew endeavors to help form this “rising revolution” into an identifiable movement by serving as a hub that allows kingdom revolutionaries to begin to network with one another. The ReKnew team is aware that, for us…

An Update and an Opportunity
Category: General
Tags: Frank Viola, Friendly Disagreements, Kingdom Revolution, Leaders
…relationship with young revolutionaries in whom I see leadership potential. It’s also why I, Mark Moore and Paul Eddy are holding a networking huddle for young people with leadership potential at Woodland Hills Church on Saturday, September 28th. If you’re interested in attending, click here. One of the people I’ve…

The Subversion of Christianity
Category: General
…IV). The Kingdom revolution is a revolution of the Spirit — which is the antithesis of living on the basis of ethics. He continually stresses that the New Testament and the early Jesus-movement “has no morality.” Once Christianity became a ruling power and a successful mass movement, however, it had…

Satan, Government and Christian Anarchy
Category: General
…Satan and the Powers that empower all that is inconsistent with the reign of God. To live this way, in other words, is to be a revolutionary. Viva la revolution! Ephesians 5:1-2 Greg F.Y.I. For two interesting websites that espouse something like Christian Anarchy or Christ-Archy, see and…
The Kingdom of God ≠ Political Activism
Category: General
Tags: Kingdom Living, Kingdom Revolution, Politics
Topics: Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
Given the centrality of following Jesus’ example, it is vitally important we not only notice that Jesus was a revolutionary (see post) along with some ways that we can join his revolution (see that post here), but how he was a revolutionary. Many Christians today assume that in order to…
Defining Love
Category: Essays
Tags: Augustine, God is Love, God's Character, Jesus, Non-Violence, Religious Violence
Topics: Attributes and Character
…and killing them if one was justified in doing so. However one assesses Augustine’s motivations for arriving at this subjective-oriented definition of love, the fact that it was compatible with “just war” thinking made it immediately popular with Church leaders who were struggling to come to terms with Jesus’ teaching…
Approaches to Reading the Bible
Category: General
Tags: Bible, Bible Interpretation
Topics: Biblical Interpretation
As early as the 17th century, certain Bible scholars began to apply the scientific model of knowledge that evolved during the Scientific Revolution to the study of Scripture. This new “scientific” approach is broadly referred to as “the historical-critical method,” one that proponents claimed to be “objective.” It is rooted…
Reflections on the Awakenings Conference
Category: General
Tags: Mark Charles, Missio Alliance, N.T. Wright
…enjoyed every single one of the presentations, but the one that impacted me the most was actually given to a group of leaders who gathered the day before the conference to discuss issues facing the church in America. Mark Charles opened this gathering by reviewing the racist history of America…

Does Following Jesus Rule Out Serving in the Military if a War is Just?
Category: Q&A
Tags: Kingdom Living, Non-Violence, Q&A
Topics: Enemy-Loving Non-Violence, Ethical, Cultural and Political Issues
…means of resolving the conflict before deciding to take up arms? Are you certain the information you’ve been given about a war is complete, accurate and objective? Do you know the real motivation of the leaders who will be commanding you to kill or be killed for “the cause” (as…

Getting Behind the “Letter” of Violent Portraits of God
Category: Essays
Tags: Bible, Character of God, Cruciform Theology, Essay, Hermeneutics, Jesus, Matthew Bates, New Testament, Non-Violence, Old Testament, Reformed Theology, Scripture, Violence
Topics: Interpreting Violent Pictures and Troubling Behaviors
…the text, but what is found in the depth. They were searching for “the voice behind the voice” (2) and the divine “res” beneath the “verba” of Scripture (173, 175,183). Bates’ contends that Paul and other early leaders of the Church had a shared kerygma that came with a built-in…

What Does God Look Like?
Category: General
Tags: God's Character, Jessica Kelley, Mark Moore, Picture of God, ReKnew, Rising Revolution
…will be hosting a get-together with Greg afterward for kingdom leaders in the rising revolution. These are exciting times folks! God is stirring something up and we want nothing more than to be in the thick of it! From Jessica’s piece: I recently listened to three messages by Mark Moore,…

A Discussion With Chuck Colson and Shane Claiborne
Category: General
…later on, so I won’t go into the details of our discussion now. But here are a few quick reflections on the debate. Shane Claiborne is awesome. I love this guy! I love his life (read his book The Irresistible Revolution) and adore his radical vision for the Kingdom. We…