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The Bible Is Insufficient

Into the Promised Land, Joshua 18, Abandoned Bible, White Oak Bayou, Houston, Texas 0420091320BW

 Patrick Feller via Compfight

Kurt Johnson wrote a piece a few days ago on the proper place of Scripture in the life of a believer. He reflects on the fact that we have elevated the Bible to a place that God really never intended. We are a people centered on a person, not a book. He hits the nail on the head in this article, and we hope you’ll take a few minutes and read the whole thing.

Kurt reflects:

The Bible is not anything like a tidy “answer book”…  But I’m afraid we have too many treating it as if it is, and going on about our lives forgetting God, living a rather community-less, tradition-less, Godless Christianity, in a relationship with a book, that supposedly has “all the right answers” to life’s complexities.
Who needs God if we have all “the answers” in a book?  Who needs a community?  Who needs a tradition?  Who needs Jesus?
The Bible is important, yet it’s so insufficient.

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