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Lighten Up: Happy Black Friday
Be careful out there folks.
Category: General, Lighten Up
Tags: Consumerism, Finances
Related Reading
Lab Rats No More
Is this threat to Christianity something we are completely ok with? In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd asks that very question. In American culture, we are constantly being told to buy products and be discontent with our current situation. Like lab rats, we are constantly stimulated and tested to change our situation. Greg speaks to…
How Much Is Enough?
Richard Beck over at Experimental Theology wrote a reflection on insights he gained from the book How Much is Enough?: Money and the Good Life by Robert Skidelsky and Edward Skidelsky. He points out how the advent of money changed the way we view our needs and made it easier to hoard without noticing it. It’s a…
In the West, we tend to think of church as a weekend gathering in a special religious building. As a result, many mistakenly assume that Paul wrote his letters to a single body of people in a specific town who gathered together as a rather large group once a week. In reality, the regional churches…
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Video Q&A: Is Christmas a Pagan Holiday?
Greg discusses the origins of our celebration of Christmas and whether Christians should celebrate it given its pagan origins. Plus, he gives us some interesting new lyrics to the song “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Have fun!