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Lighten Up: Double Standard Theology

the-famous-double-standard-theology2Something stinks here.

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Lighten Up: Jesus Freaks

Image Credit: RadioFreeBabylon.com

Lighten Up: Technology Trap

Don’t get stuck folks.

Lighten Up: I’m Not Worried Frank

http://youtu.be/kQFKtI6gn9Y?t=1m19s Well, my dear friend Frank Viola has been spouting off again about how my “logic will be shredded, excoriated, and turned into confetti before a watching world” when we host our debate on Open Theism this fall. I’m not too worried though, since Frank studied the art of debate in the clinic featured in…

Lighten Up: Oldie But Goodie

We thought we would bring this video back for today’s Lighten Up feature because it’s just too good to let it languish in the archives. Oh, and if you’re wondering what Greg was going to say about the Patriot’s Bible, you can find that here.

Lighten Up: The Wisdom of Forgiveness

Lighten Up: He Forgives You…

We don’t really think Jesus does this, but it sure would be understandable sometimes. Right?