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Lighten Up: If Jesus Had Come In Our Time

Via Unvirtuous Abbey

Via Unvirtuous Abbey

Is there any doubt that this is the way it would have played out in 2014?

Related Reading

Lighten Up: Use Your Freedom For Good

Source: xkcd

When Jesus Questioned the Father

Though the sinless Son of God had perfect faith, we find him asking God the Father to alter the plan to redeem the world through his sacrifice—if it is “possible” (Matt. 26:42). As the nightmare of experiencing the sin and God-forsakenness of the world was encroaching upon him, Jesus was obviously, and understandably struggling. So,…

Lighten Up: The Devil Messin’ With Ya

Lighten Up: Smile

Go ahead and smile. What do you have to lose? It will make you feel and look better and it’s free. Image by Neal Fowler. Sourced via Flickr.

Lighten Up: Other People’s Sins

Cartoon via Adventures of the Holy Ghost Thanks for the heads up @andrewhaak!

Lighten Up: Napoleon Dynamite Dances to Michael W. Smith

This should put a smile on your face. If Napoleon Dynamite cooking it to Emmanuel doesn’t cheer you up, I don’t know what will. Thanks Zack!