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Lighten Up: Shallow Small Group

Lighten Up: Shallow Small Group


Free grub. Less mess.

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Related Reading

Lighten Up: When he thinks no one will see it…

I guess Greg’s editor doesn’t follow his instructions very well.  :) Greg is a great theologian and apologist but he’s not the most brilliant when it comes to technology.

Lighten Up: He Forgives You…

We don’t really think Jesus does this, but it sure would be understandable sometimes. Right?

Two Preschoolers Debate Ontology

ianus via Compfight I’m convinced every child is full of theological wisdom that the fallen world tries to suffocate by the time they’re ten. As an illustration of this truth, I thought you might enjoy a discussion that my daughter Alisha overheard in children’s church this last week between Sage (Alisha’s five-year-old daughter and my…

Lighten Up: Surprise!

Greg discusses how God is not a “Thor” God zapping people on a whim. And then…

Lighten Up: Guardian Angel


Lighten Up: Underestimated

Frank Viola is at it again. He seems pretty confident that when he and I debate the Open Future this fall that he’ll smear me. That’s his prediction, anyway. The think is, I’ve been underestimated before. It happens all the time. People think I’m this goof who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. That’s OK…