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Lighten Up: Wrong Finger

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Related Reading

Lighten Up: Disruptive Thinkers

Image from ASBO Jesus  

Evangelism or Social Action: What’s the Priority?

Throughout the last century Evangelicals were known much more for their emphasis on personal piety than for their social action. This is fortunately beginning to change. Pioneers like Jim Wallis, Tony Campolo and Ron Sider have for decades been trying to get Evangelicals to see that the Bible mandates that followers of Jesus care for…

Lighten Up: Election Season Blues

It’s a little sad (but still pretty funny) that there are actual campaign posters similar to this one. The next time you get fed up or discouraged with all the over-the-top election ads, you might want to browse through these for a chuckle. And remember that our hope is not located in any election. Thank…

Lighten Up: Underestimated

Frank Viola is at it again. He seems pretty confident that when he and I debate the Open Future this fall that he’ll smear me. That’s his prediction, anyway. The think is, I’ve been underestimated before. It happens all the time. People think I’m this goof who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. That’s OK…

Lighten Up: Proof of God

The “Checkmate Atheists” meme was actually started by atheists to make fun of some of the sillier arguments christians use to prove that there’s a God. But come on, this is funny.

Lighten Up: Skip the Devil’s Commercials