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Lighten Up: Multiple Choice

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New Feature: We Need YOU!

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What About the Arizona Anti-Gay Bill?

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Lighten Up: How Christians Sign Emails

Thanks Jared!

Are we called to suffering?

What does it mean when we say we’re called to suffering? Does it mean that we should allow ourselves to be victimized or that God approves when we are abused? Here are Greg’s thoughts on this topic.

A Cross-Like Church

When God’s church loves like God loves—which means valuing the other at cost to self—it will puzzle those outside the church. While such love might cause the religious to rail with outrage, it will cause the searching and the hungry to ask, “how can people love like this?” In God’s plan, this puzzle is what…

Is Longing for Justice Inconsistent with Love? A Response to Paul Copan (#3)

In a paper delivered at the Evangelical Theological Society in November, Paul Copan spent a good amount of time arguing that aspects of the NT conflict with the understanding of love that I espouse in Crucifixion of the Warrior God (CWG). For example, Copan cites the parable Jesus told in Luke 18:1-8 about a widow…