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A New Book and a Dance Party to Celebrate It

I am delighted to announce the soon-to-be-released first publication of ReKnew Publishing. It’s a rather quirky book that I wrote and then compiled with the help of some talented friends. It’s entitled, The Cosmic Dance: What Science Can Teach Us About the Nature of Time, Life, God & Humpty Dumpty.  

I would describe The Cosmic Dance as a cross between a humorous graphic novel (the writing is framed as a playful discussion among photo-shopped versions of my friends and other characters), on the one hand, and an introductory book on contemporary science and the open view of the future (or “Open Theism”), on the other. In this book I try to explain, at a “Dick and Jane” level, Quantum Physics, Chaos and Complexity Theory, Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, and Relativity Theory. I then argue that, in their own distinctive way, each of these theories encourage us to understand life, creation and even God as a sort of open-ended, creative, spontaneity-filled, adventurous dance.

NDY:CosmicDanceI’ll say more about the content of The Cosmic Dance in the weeks to come, but for now I want to leave you with an invitation to ReKnew’s first-ever book release party! This family-friendly party will be held on Friday, June 24th, at the Shanty, the party room at O’Gara’s Bar and Grill, from 8:00 to 11:30. We will get down to the classic rock music of my band Not Dead Yet — which, I’m proud to announce, has recently mastered “Uptown Funk” (Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars) as well as “Shake it Off” (Taylor Swift). There’s a suggested donation of $5 at the door (proceeds will go towards Kòt a Kòt, a ministry for young women in Haiti), and you can purchase a signed copy of The Cosmic Dance for the bargain price of $12. (You can order it online for $19.99 after our book-release party.)

So why not “Shake it Off” and get some of that “Uptown Funk” by joining us at O’Gara’s on June 24th? It will be a party of cosmic proportions!

Related Reading

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Sermon Clips: Two Weeks!

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