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A ReKnew Website Primer

In many ways, the ReKnew website has become something like an introductory systematic theology resource centered around the beautiful God we find in Jesus. It is a resource that helps us rethink twelve core theological convictions. ReKnew invites you to:

  1. ReThink the Source of Life
  2. ReThink the Nature of Faith
  3. ReThink Our Picture of God
  4. ReThink Biblical Inspiration
  5. ReThink the Kingdom of God
  6. ReThink The Church
  7. ReThink Providence
  8. ReThink the Atonement
  9. ReThink Salvation
  10. ReThink Humanity
  11. ReThink Hell
  12. ReThink End Times

You can read a brief description of each of these here. In addition, you will find suggested books that will take you further into each of those topics.

However, before you dive into those books, you can survey various posts and introductory thoughts on each of these twelve core convictions by clicking here. If, for instance, you want to read about rethinking our picture of God, there is a list of posts that discuss this point.

You can also do a search on a more specific topic. Let’s say you want to read about predestination or Augustine; just type that topic into the search field here, and you will find more than you can read in one sitting.

For those performing a study on a specific passage of the Bible, use the search by verse field and type in the abbreviation for the book that you are searching. So, for instance, for Ephesians type in “Eph” and you’ll see a drop-down list of all the posts that reference passages from that book.

Take a few minutes, poke around. Rethink something that you thought you already knew. It might change your life.

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More Pics of the ReKnew Team

Here’s a couple more pics of the ReKnew team from our Retreat.    


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