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Christmas Greetings From ReKnew

On behalf of the ReKnew team, we wish you all a safe and blessed Christmas. And for those of you who are hurting this Christmas, we wish you peace and comfort.

Painting by Daniel Bonnell


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Why Bart Ehrman Doesn’t Have to Ruin Your Christmas (Or Your Faith) Part 1

This is the first of several videos Greg put together to refute Bart Ehrman’s claims published in the article What Do We Really Know About Jesus? Greg went to school with Bart and is very familiar with his line of thought. He’s also heard of many people who have lost their faith based on his writings.…

Christmas is Subversive…

…at least the first Christmas was. When Jesus came it was about the birth of a subversive ruler who brought a subversive kingdom. He is a king that came to introduce a reign that would overthrow the world. Click here for a brief reflection by Greg on Subversive Christmas, brought to you by Nomad.

Lighten Up: And So It Began

The Cross in the Manger

There has been a strand within the Western theological tradition—one that is especially prevalent in contemporary American Evangelicalism—that construes the significance of the cross in strictly soteriological terms. The cross is central, in this view, but only in the sense that the reason Jesus came to earth was to pay the price for our sin…


Sermon: Diaper Power

In this short clip from Greg Boyd’s Sermon Diaper Power, he introduces the theme of the sermon where talks about how the poverty of the manger exemplified the power of God. In this sermon, Greg shows that God really is like the baby swaddled in clothes in the manger. The kind of power that God…

Myth Became Reality

If we open our hearts to it, there’s something about the Christmas story of God becoming one of us in order to give his life to save us that resonates with us in the core of our being. If we are not dulled by over-familiarity, hearing this story feels a bit like recalling a long…