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Crucifixion of the Warrior God (Official Trailer)

Crucifixion of the Warrior God (Official Trailer)

Video by Rex Harsin

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God Became What He is Not To Reveal What He Is

We are saved because Jesus became the curse of the law for us (Gal. 3:13). So too, the way Christ freed us from the condemnation of sin and enabled us to “become the righteousness of God” was by becoming sin for us (2 Cor. 5:21). What is more, since the curse of the law includes enslavement to…

Why Greg Can’t be Accused of Marcionism (Let’s Not Burn Him at the Stake Just Yet)

Kristin Brenemen via Compfight Richard Beck posted a blog today entitled It’s the Same God: On Marcionism, Creeds, Hermeneutics and War. You’re going to want to take the time to read through it in its entirety. Greg has been accused of Marcionism quite a lot as a result of the working out of his Cruciform…

Satan or God: Who Tempted David to Sin?

The author of 2 Samuel says that Yahweh caused David to sin by taking a census of his military personnel (2 Sam 24:1) while the author of 1 Chronicles attributes this temptation to Satan (1 Chr 21:1). It is clear that the author of 2 Samuel had no problem accepting that Yahweh was capable of…

Labor Day Drum Solo

In this episode Greg unleashes fire from his drumsticks in a 3 minute stampede of percussion-mayhem. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0039.mp3

Cruciform Aikido Pt 3: The Judge Who Lets Them Have It

We ended our last post noting that in the cross God ingeniously turned evil back on itself and triumphed over it. But what does all this teach us about the nature of divine judgment? Two things. First, as the one who bore our sin, Jesus experienced the judgment we deserved when the Father withdrew himself and…

Sermons: Who’s The Boss

  The Bible definitely talks about the roles a man and a woman should have in marriage. In this sermon clip, Greg Boyd discusses Colossians 3:18-19 and difficulty in his own marriage upon misunderstanding these roles. Marriage in the Bible can be misunderstood, and it often leads to questions of who should be the boss…