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First of Three-Part Interview With Greg

David D. Flowers is doing a three part interview with Greg over on his blog. He posted the first of those interviews today. Pop over and check it out!

Related Reading

A Review of a Review of Benefit of the Doubt

I’d like to offer a brief response to a curious on-line review of Benefit of the Doubt,  published on thechristians.com. It’s titled, Which came first, Jesus or the Bible? A clever heretic draws a false division between God and Scripture.  That “clever heretic” would be yours truly, and I allegedly draw this false division in…

Confessions of a Christian Nation – LGBTQ Discrimination

Here is the second installment of the Confessions series filmed by Rex Harsin. We pray that it will bring healing and opportunities for reconciliation.

Confessions of a Christian Nation: Native American/First Nations Oppression

In this third part of the Confessions series, Brian Zahnd, Brian McLaren, Bruxy Cavey and Greg Boyd confess the sins of the Christian church against the Native American and First Nations people. Thanks to Rex Harsin for his work and vision in producing this series.


Do you consider yourself an “Evangelical Christian”? I hold to a high view of biblical inspiration and most of my theological views are in line with what would be considered “evangelical.” So in this sense, I consider myself an “evangelical.” But the word “evangelical,” as well as the word “Christian,” has become associated with many…


Featured Sermon Series: Scandalous Love

  The Scandalous Love series is often considered one of Greg’s and Woodland Hill’s most foundational series. In fact, it was so important that it subsequently led to the Can’t Stop the Love series. Defining the true character of God is at the heart of what ReKnew is all about, so we wanted to host…

Interview with Frank Viola on his Book “God’s Favorite Place on Earth”

Today is the release date for Frank Viola’s new book, God’s Favorite Place on Earth. Greg did an interview with Frank recently, and in celebration of his book release, we’re sharing that interview here. If you read to the end you’ll see how you can get 25 free gifts if you purchase the book from…