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CWG Giveaway!

Our friends at Homebrewed Christianity teamed up with our friends at Fortress Press to give away a signed copy of Greg Boyd’s two volume work The Crucifixion of the Warrior GodPLUS, the winner will also get 10 signed copies of the condensed version, Cross Vision, perfect for a small group discussion. You can click here to enter the giveaway.

Winners will be announced via Facebook Live on August 4th. They’re also giving away two free tickets to the ReKnew Conference in St. Paul this September during the live video. At the conference, Greg Boyd is going to present a revolutionary way to read the Bible at the first annual Re|Knew Conference. Held at Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, the conference will be an exciting time of presentations, music, networking, and prayer. You’ll come away challenged and inspired. Click here to register or to get more information about the conference.

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