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Podcast: How Do We Talk About Politically Charged Topics?
Greg gets charged-up talking about ‘talking about politically charged topics.’

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Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg
Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility
Category: ReKnew Podcast
Tags: Political Idolatry, Politics
Related Reading

Take America (& the World) Back for God?
Kai Schreiber via Compfight Recently Missio Alliance has hosted a series of posts entitled “Christianity and Violence.” Since Greg has written quite a lot on this topic from the point of view of pacifism, we thought it timely to weigh in on this topic. The following excerpt is quoted from his chapter, “Taking America Back…

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Can a politician even be effective at politics if they are faithful disciples of Jesus? Links: Greg’s book: “The Myth of a Christian Nation“ http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0024.mp3

“I hope to challenge the assumption that finding the right political path has anything to do with advancing the kingdom of God.” [Quotes]
I do not argue that those political positions are either wrong or right. Nor do I argue that Christians shouldn’t be involved in politics. While people whose faith has been politicized may well interpret me along such lines, I assure you that this is not what I’m saying. The issue is far more fundamental than how we should vote or participate in government. Rather, I hope to challenge the assumption that finding the right political path has anything to do with advancing the kingdom of God.

The Life and Death of MLK and What it Might Have to Say to Us
Tony Fischer via Compfight Here is an EXCELLENT reflection from Jonathan Martin in answer to a question that was posed to him on how he reconciles his rejection of the politics of this world with the social justice work of MLK. This is a must read. From the article: So to come to the question,…

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