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Podcast: How Do We Talk About Politically Charged Topics?

Greg gets charged-up talking about ‘talking about politically charged topics.’


Send Questions To:

Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility



Related Reading

The Patriot’s Bible — Really?

Have you ever seen the Saturday Night Live skit entitled “Really? With Seth and Amy”? Sometimes it’s pretty funny. I was thinking that perhaps the best way to get through my critique of The American Patriot’s Bible (henceforth Patriot’s Bible) would be to give a “Really?” type report on it. I want to preface my…

Greg on Politics

I recently agreed to a written interview with a delightful Christian student of politics. Given the nature of her questions, I’m not sure my responses were quite what she expected. I thought some of you might find it interesting, if not a little amusing (or maybe a little aggravating) even though this last round of…

The Problem with “Church”

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Religion and Politics in Israel

This article, sent to us last week from a blog reader (thanks Beth!), discusses the problems that were created when Israel fused religion with politics. We aren’t endorsing all of the assumptions of the author, but it’s a fascinating look at the damage that results when political interests are joined with religious authority. From the article: “Israel…


Bowing to the American Flag. Literally.

Kurt Willems shared this interesting item he found on Amazon. In the product description it admonishes us to: Submit yourself to the Prayer Bench and open up your life to receive more of God. Hmmmmmm. How about we just submit ourselves to God?


What would Halloween be without a post about zombies? Image by rachel a. k. Sourced via Flickr.