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Podcast: How is Jesus Both God and Human?

Greg discusses the incarnation from the perspective of “God as Human” rather than “God and Human.”


Send Questions To:

Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility



Related Reading

The Dehumanizing Effects of Gender Roles

Daniel DeCristo via Compfight Rachel Held Evans posted this really wonderful blog about the absurd legalism of gender roles. She not only calls out the legalism of these roles, but also the ways that we become less human when we are reduced to a stereotype rather than a human being with specific gifts and passions.  You’ll…

Podcast: How Important is it to Accept the Historical Validity of the Virgin Birth?

Greg discusses the potential sainthood of Joseph, and the importance of the virgin birth. http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0211.mp3

Are You Fully Alive? Here’s the Key

Image by rashdada via flickr.  The cross reveals the full truth about us. This truth reconnects us with our true source of life, which in turn heals our idol addictions. This dimension of the cross is frankly so breathtakingly beautiful that, so far as I can tell, very few followers of Jesus have ever really grasped it.…

The Greatest Mystery of the Christian Faith

God has always been willing to stoop to accommodate the fallen state of his covenant people in order to remain in a transforming relationship with them and in order to continue to further his sovereign purposes through them. Out of love for humankind, Scripture tells us, Jesus emptied himself of his divine prerogatives, set aside…

The Cross in the Manger

There has been a strand within the Western theological tradition—one that is especially prevalent in contemporary American Evangelicalism—that construes the significance of the cross in strictly soteriological terms. The cross is central, in this view, but only in the sense that the reason Jesus came to earth was to pay the price for our sin…


Matter Matters

Barbara Brown Taylor shares some thoughts on why our bodies matter to God. Thanks Rachel!