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Podcast: How Do We Balance Both Seeking Unity While Also Confronting Error?

Greg looks at the call to unity and considers things that do not help achieve it.  


Send Questions To:

Dan: @thatdankent
Email: askgregboyd@gmail.com
Twitter: @reKnewOrg

Greg’s new book: Inspired Imperfection
Dan’s new book: Confident Humility



Related Reading

Lighten Up: Keep Going



In the West, we tend to think of church as a weekend gathering in a special religious building. As a result, many mistakenly assume that Paul wrote his letters to a single body of people in a specific town who gathered together as a rather large group once a week. In reality, the regional churches…


Podcast: Who has the Authority to Baptize Others?

Grab a bucket for this no-holds barred baptism episode.  http://traffic.libsyn.com/askgregboyd/Episode_0342.mp3

How To Fix The Church: The Kingdom of God (Part 4)

God has leveraged everything on the Church loving like Jesus loved, as outlined in our previous posts in this series. “By this the world will know you are my disciples,” Jesus said, “by your love” (Jn 13:35). By God’s own design, Christ-like love is supposed to be the proof that Jesus is real. In John…

Giant Jesus

Yesterday’s post featured a video of Greg sharing about the role of the church in manifesting God’s character to the world. Here are some follow-up thoughts on that topic. The NT often uses the metaphor of “the body of Christ” to describe the church. When Jesus walked the earth, he did so in an ordinary…


At the Start of This New Year

 Anthony Easton via Compfight Wishing all of you a year filled with an increasing awareness of God’s presence and a willingness to go where he leads you. May you be challenged every day to love outrageously as we are loved by God. May we be one as Jesus and the Father are one. Peace and…