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Quotes to Chew On: Desires
Marcos de Madariaga via Compfight
Here’s a quote that comes to us via Andrew Sullivan’s blog:
“We are rarely presented with an authentically fulfilling trajectory for our desires… If we are created for infinite satisfaction, we really only have three choices about what to do with our desire in this life: We will become either a stoic, an addict, or a mystic. The stoic squelches desire out of fear, while the addict attempts to satisfy his desire for infinity with finite things, which, of course, can’t satisfy. That’s why the addict wants more and more and more. The mystic, on the other hand — in the Christian sense of the term — is the one who is learning how to direct his desire forinfinity toward infinity,”
Category: General
Tags: Christian Living, Desires, Kingdom Living, Quotes, Temptation
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