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Love in Unexpected Places

Here’s a letter we received from a reader pointing us to this TED talk:


My Name is Austin. I’ve been a podrishoner at Woodland Hills Church for the past 3 years and frequently visit reknew2015.wpengine.com.   

I stumbled upon this TED talk from September 2012 yesterday entitled Israel & Iran: A Love Story.    

Recently, Greg has been talking about the destructive cycle that violence creates and Jesus’ call to love your enemies.  To me, this sounded good in theory but I was having trouble trying to to picture what that would look like in reality.  Well…this video really helped.   

This 15 minute TED talk is given by Ronny Edry, an Israeli graphic designer who shared a poster on Facebook of himself and his daughter with the message, “Iranians, we [heart] you”. His lecture goes on to talk about the incredible response to his simple message.   

Although this may not be enough to stop a war between two nations, the simplicity and beauty of this event has helped me understand the message.  I wanted to bring this clip to your attention in case you thought the video was worth sharing or as a topic for discussion on the blog. 

Best Regards,


Thanks Austin!

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